Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Reflection for 1101

Lacy's class was actually a good experience for me. I liked the fact that it was a small classroom and not a big lecture hall classroom. I liked how we did a ice breaker activity every morning. This always helped wake me up every morning.

There were some "wobble" moments though that i have had in this class. By wobble i mean moments where i wasnt exactly sure if i was doing the right thing or if i would pass the class with an A grade. The first moment was when i didnt sign up to be notetaker on time. I was thinking this would really affect my grade since i didnt get my points but i figured out it was only a minor assigment and it wasnt even a big deal. I also forgot to comment blog posts sometimes or even do my blog post. The literecy narrative stressed me out a lot because i never knew what to do and how to make it better. Lucky for me Lacy emailed me back and told me all the changes to do. I honestly thnk this class wasnt that bad. I did enjoy it and i had a good time. I do think this blog was a cool thing i started and i might even end up continuing it even though the class is over.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ethnography Project

This whole project started when i was assigned a group with DeShawn, Randy, and Drew. I think we all got along really well to start of with. The topic we had was food.

We decided we should have a couple questions we wanted to ask. Whey people eat certain things, when do they eat and why, and the last question was where they prefer to eat and why?

Each member of the group interviewed someone. To me in seemed like most people liked the food of the place where they are from. For example in drews interview his friend liked southern food because he was from the south and the person i interviewed was indian and he liked indian food.

Anyways overall i really did enjoy doing this project. It made me realize a lot of things as well as notice a lot of things that were probably obvious but i just never noticed them. I really liked my group because everyone did they were supposed to do and at the end we got a really good video. I think everyone also did work hard on the video. We met up a couple times in the library and went to crown together to eat which also helped us out for our project.

Even thought our topic was a little bit unusual from the other topics in the class i think we did a good job of relating what we eat to the literacy underlie. It wasn't easy and it did take a while but we got it done.

Here is our final video that we finished with:

Sunday, November 18, 2012


A couple weeks ago in English we watched a video about a typewriter. This video got me thinking about how technology has changed so much since i was little. Im sure the generation of my parents did not see this much change in technology during their life. When i was born people still bought vhs's now we can just download movies directly on our computer with really high quality. I dont think people back then imagined this change coming so fast. Even having a gig of storage on a computer was a big deal bag then. Now people walk around with more storage than that on their flash drives. I think it is cool how technology has changed so fast and wonder what more new things we cant imagine will be coming out soon.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Annotated Bibliography Mini Assignment

For the assignment i did last week I used a lot of different sources.

The main source i had was an interview. This was really useful for my assignment because this was getting a first hand answer to the questions i had. Using this information i could get an answer to my questions instead of making guessing on what i think the answer would be.

Rob (2012, October 29) Personal Interview.

The second source i used a picture. I think this is a good source too because it lets the reader or person looking at my work know exactly what i saw, instead of the person have to read my description. I think pictures are a good way for people to see things through other peoples eyes. In this case people could see first hand what food i ate or my other group members.\

Food, Crown Common UNCC. Personal photograph by author. 2012.

The next source i used was my own field notes that i took in my day book. I think this is also a pretty good source. When i have my own notes i can always go back to them and add things on my final product. It is also easy for your experiences to come back to you. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

The underlife of eating

For my groups ethnography project my group (randy and drew) and I decided to look into the underlie of eating and see how it could relate to literacy. To do this we came up with a couple of questions that we would find the answers to. The questions we came up with were the following: Who are they eating with? What are they eating? Why are they eating this? When do they eat? where do they eat? How do they eat? So to answer these questions we decided to go to crown since all of us were hungry as well. So since all of us in the group had different backgrounds we decided to include our selves in the project. Here is a picture of what i ate:

and here is a picture of what randy and drew ate:

Here is a picture of our plates after eating:

At the end we got one of drews friend and conducted an interview here is the video:

At the end the group concluded that people eat the way they do due to multiple factors. One of them was where they are from. In the video you can see drews friend, Rob, is from the south, which is why he likes friend chicken and comfort food. From the video you can also tell he is social since he likes to eat with people. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


At uncc in front of the library they have made t-shirts with messages against violence on women. T-shirts are not typically associated with literacy. I think they can be strong ways to get messages across because people are always looking at each others clothes. This could be a good way of communicating a message such as that one. I didnt get a chance to take a picture of them so i cant attach a picture with this post, but they are in front of the library if anyone is interested to see them.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Police View point

A few weeks ago in class we did an activity where we read a story then had to choose a character from the story and narrate the story from the view point we thought that character would take. I chose the view point of the Police officer. I chose this view point because i really used to be into law enforcement. I still am actually but i dont think its a job i would want to do. I just really like the field its self though. I thought this was a good case of the Police actually helping someone and making sure the kid is safe instead of going around arresting people all the time which is what people think police do all the time. Anyways thats just the reason i chose the perspective of the cop.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

English Midterm project!

So we first started this in class deciding on where we would meet up and what we would do. My group decided that we wanted to do a book by Dr. Seuss.

We met Monday at 5 PM at Atkins library. Since we all knew what book we wanted we went on the website of the atkins library to look up where all the Dr Seuess books were.

Once we located where the books were we all took the elevator up to the 5th floor and got all the dr Seuss books we found.

We decided the book "I can read with my eyes shut" was the book that matched most of our topics.

So from this book i chose the page that was most similar to my idea which was texting and how it has related to the way i write. I those this page because it was talking about how the more the reads the more he will know and the more places he will go. I thought this related because i text people all around the world. I text people going from canada all the way to Pakistan. I have learned a lot about texting people in all these countries. It doesnt just have to be books in which you read to learn about other places. You can directly contact people in other places and hear from them first hand about how that place is.

Once i got my page i just wrote about why i chose the page i chose and why it related to my topic. Its pretty much the same thing i wrote above. Below is a picture of me working on it.

After doing that the final state of the project was to document everything which is what i am doing right here on my blog. I had a good time doing the project i wont lie. My group had some pretty good conversations too while working. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Language and dialects

Last week we read an article for homework. The article was about how there are so many different dialects of a the spanish language. The part about the article that stuck out to me however, was when she said someone who grew up not speaking spanish as his/her first language is still just as much spanish as someone who grew up speaking it as their first language. I feel like i can relate to that part because my parents are from pakistan and whenever i go back i try to speak the native language of urdu, but i always have an "american" accent in it when i speak. My family there finds it funny though and usually laugh. I mean i dont get offended because it probably does sound funny to them. Anyways just my thoughts for this post.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day bok

So instead of finding something from my day book to reflect about i wanted to reflect in general about writing. Honestly i don't think I've ever had a class in which I've had to write something reflective everyday. I guess i kinda just realized how i do like this opportunity we get every morning in class. Its a good way to start class because you write down whatever is on your mind and once its out you can somewhat focus better in class. Usually for me thinking about something to write about is a hard thing to do, especially when there is a topic given. I find it really easy to write about what im thinking and usually i get about half a page without even thinking about it. It would be nice after a few years when you go back and read your day book and look at what you were thinking. Anyways i don't have a picture to include with this post but just wanted to share what was on my mind.  

Friday, September 7, 2012


I think it was the first or second day of class where we had to make a map of our childhood home in class. I drew a map of my house in Cary. Living in cary i never really liked it. People always complained about how theres nothing to do there. Before i left for college in charlotte i was really excited that i am actually going to a big city unlike cary/raleigh. The first week of college though made me realize that cary is my home. All my friends were there and my family lived there too. I guess i realized the saying "you never know what you have until you lose it" is actually true. At the same time however i am now getting used to Charlotte and i am enjoying my time so far in college. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Last week, the first day of class, I wrote a post in class a few days ago about what was on my mind. I wrote about my classes for that day would end around 1:45 and I didn’t know what I would do after. I was thinking I would try and go to the gym. This never got to happen though in reality. I just thought it was cool about how I can go and read about things I wanted to do in the future then later go on and read it and talk about what actually happened. What really ended up happening is that I ended up just hanging out with some of my friends from high school and got lunch. While I was writing I honestly had no idea that this would happen. I like the writing into the day we do because it lets me just get out whatever is on my mind for the time instead of just keeping it in my head and thinking about it. This way I can also always go back and look at what I was thinking.