Friday, September 7, 2012


I think it was the first or second day of class where we had to make a map of our childhood home in class. I drew a map of my house in Cary. Living in cary i never really liked it. People always complained about how theres nothing to do there. Before i left for college in charlotte i was really excited that i am actually going to a big city unlike cary/raleigh. The first week of college though made me realize that cary is my home. All my friends were there and my family lived there too. I guess i realized the saying "you never know what you have until you lose it" is actually true. At the same time however i am now getting used to Charlotte and i am enjoying my time so far in college. 


  1. I agree when you say the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" is true. This can range from losing someone or even going away. I miss Pittsburgh because its all I know and grew up with. Now that I moved here I miss my family and friends but I making new ones each day.

  2. I notice times of transition in my life have really provided space to reflect on what I want. Interesting how writing functioned with that for you here.

  3. I know what you mean when you said people were always complaining about your hometown. I honestly liked my hometown even if there was nothing to do there. We would just do anything thing we could and make the best of it.

  4. I agree that its hard getting to know the campus and getting used to everything around but I completely agreed with you on the fact that college so far is really good so far but it is a little confusing.
