Friday, September 14, 2012

Day bok

So instead of finding something from my day book to reflect about i wanted to reflect in general about writing. Honestly i don't think I've ever had a class in which I've had to write something reflective everyday. I guess i kinda just realized how i do like this opportunity we get every morning in class. Its a good way to start class because you write down whatever is on your mind and once its out you can somewhat focus better in class. Usually for me thinking about something to write about is a hard thing to do, especially when there is a topic given. I find it really easy to write about what im thinking and usually i get about half a page without even thinking about it. It would be nice after a few years when you go back and read your day book and look at what you were thinking. Anyways i don't have a picture to include with this post but just wanted to share what was on my mind.  


  1. I really like the fact that you took time to really focus on reflecting on writing and on just how the day book has impacted your life. Its interesting to think about thinking back and rereading your old thoughts, almost like a journal.

  2. Rabee, thanks for your reflection on writing and choice. I think having a choice about what to write is crucial to us all figuring out our writer identities. Thanks for making this visible.

  3. When you said it will be cool to look back a couple years later and see what you were thinking is a great idea. It reminds me of when we were little and we had our own portfolio's in 2nd grade. I recently found mine and I laughed so much because my writing has obviously changed a lot since then. I wonder what I will think when I read this a couple years later.

  4. It's really cool that we are let to just write about what is on our minds.I cant imagine having a 8:00am class and being told specifically what to do. It lets you write freely without being worried about any specifics ar directions.
