Sunday, October 14, 2012

Police View point

A few weeks ago in class we did an activity where we read a story then had to choose a character from the story and narrate the story from the view point we thought that character would take. I chose the view point of the Police officer. I chose this view point because i really used to be into law enforcement. I still am actually but i dont think its a job i would want to do. I just really like the field its self though. I thought this was a good case of the Police actually helping someone and making sure the kid is safe instead of going around arresting people all the time which is what people think police do all the time. Anyways thats just the reason i chose the perspective of the cop.


  1. I agree with you when you talk about how the police are trying to help people and making sure that we are safe. I feel the same way about how people view policemen as just going around and arresting people, but the thing that most of us don't realize is that they are doing it for our own good.

  2. Thanks for bringing us into your reflection on this activity. It is interesting to think about why we take up the perspectives we do. When I write in this activity, I always take up the perspective of the mother, because (as a mother and feminist) I always feel like she needs to have a voice.
