Sunday, September 23, 2012

Language and dialects

Last week we read an article for homework. The article was about how there are so many different dialects of a the spanish language. The part about the article that stuck out to me however, was when she said someone who grew up not speaking spanish as his/her first language is still just as much spanish as someone who grew up speaking it as their first language. I feel like i can relate to that part because my parents are from pakistan and whenever i go back i try to speak the native language of urdu, but i always have an "american" accent in it when i speak. My family there finds it funny though and usually laugh. I mean i dont get offended because it probably does sound funny to them. Anyways just my thoughts for this post.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day bok

So instead of finding something from my day book to reflect about i wanted to reflect in general about writing. Honestly i don't think I've ever had a class in which I've had to write something reflective everyday. I guess i kinda just realized how i do like this opportunity we get every morning in class. Its a good way to start class because you write down whatever is on your mind and once its out you can somewhat focus better in class. Usually for me thinking about something to write about is a hard thing to do, especially when there is a topic given. I find it really easy to write about what im thinking and usually i get about half a page without even thinking about it. It would be nice after a few years when you go back and read your day book and look at what you were thinking. Anyways i don't have a picture to include with this post but just wanted to share what was on my mind.  

Friday, September 7, 2012


I think it was the first or second day of class where we had to make a map of our childhood home in class. I drew a map of my house in Cary. Living in cary i never really liked it. People always complained about how theres nothing to do there. Before i left for college in charlotte i was really excited that i am actually going to a big city unlike cary/raleigh. The first week of college though made me realize that cary is my home. All my friends were there and my family lived there too. I guess i realized the saying "you never know what you have until you lose it" is actually true. At the same time however i am now getting used to Charlotte and i am enjoying my time so far in college. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Last week, the first day of class, I wrote a post in class a few days ago about what was on my mind. I wrote about my classes for that day would end around 1:45 and I didn’t know what I would do after. I was thinking I would try and go to the gym. This never got to happen though in reality. I just thought it was cool about how I can go and read about things I wanted to do in the future then later go on and read it and talk about what actually happened. What really ended up happening is that I ended up just hanging out with some of my friends from high school and got lunch. While I was writing I honestly had no idea that this would happen. I like the writing into the day we do because it lets me just get out whatever is on my mind for the time instead of just keeping it in my head and thinking about it. This way I can also always go back and look at what I was thinking.